
一、浙江智尚实业有限公司已尽力确保所有资料是准确、完整及最新的。就该资料的针对性、精确性以及特定用途的适合性而言,本网站不可能也无义务做出最对应和最有成 效的方案。所以对本网站所引用的资料,本网站概不承诺对其针对性、精确性以及特定用途的适合性负责,同时因依赖该资料所至的任何损失, 本网站亦不承担任何法律责任。

I. Zhejiang Zhishang industral Co., Ltd. has tried its best to ensure that all information is accurate, complete, and up-to-date. However, this website is not able or obliged to guarantee that the information is accurate, useful, and suitable to specific aspects and prepare the most suitable and effective scheme with the information abovementioned. Therefore, for all information quoted herein, this website is not responsible for its accuracy and suitability, and will not undertake any legal liability for any loss incurred by reliance on such information.


二、对使用本网站信息和服务所引起的后果,基于该信息和服务的受众均为有独立民事意识能力和行为能力的主体,其应当对自己的法律行为法则,本网不作任 何承诺。

II. For any aftermaths caused by use of information and service of this website, this website will not make any commitment, for all users receiving such information and service are subjects with independent civil capacity of will and active ability, who shall be responsible for their own legal acts.


三、对由于使用浙江智尚实业有限公司站点所产生的任何直接、间接或偶然性的损失或破坏,本网站不承担任何责任,无论该损失或破坏是否源于疏忽、违约、诽谤、侵权甚 至电脑病毒。同时,对是否对外公报该类损失或破坏,基于本网站没有蓄意隐瞒,本网将不作任何承诺。

III. This website will not undertake any liability for any direct, indirect, or incident loss or damage caused by the website of Zhejiang Zhishang industral Co., Ltd., whether such loss or damage is caused by negligence, breach of the contract, slander, infringement, or even computer virus. In addition, this website will not make any commitment about reporting such loss or damage to the public, for it will not deliberately conceal such event.  


四、 浙江智尚实业有限公司不保证所有信息、文本、图形、链接及其它项目的绝对准确性和完整性,故仅供访问者参照使用。其中政策法规中文本不得作为正式法规文本使用。

IV.  Zhejiang Zhishang industral Co., Ltd. will not guarantee that all information, texts, figures, links, and other items are absolutely accurate and complete, which could only be used as reference by visitors. All provisions quoted herein from policies and regulations could not be used as official regulations.


五、如果单位或个人认为本网站某部分内容有侵权嫌疑,敬请立即通知我们,我们将第一时间予以更该或删除。本网站并不承担查清事情的责任和证实事情公正 性和合法性的责任,同时在事情查清前保留对该部分内容继续刊载的权利。 六、 以上声明之最终解释权归浙江智尚实业有限公司所有,法律上有相关解释的,以中国法律为基准。

V. Any unit or individual that suspects that any part of information herein involves infringement should notify us immediately, and we would alter or delete it at once. This website should not be responsible for finding out the truth or evidence to prove the fairness and legality, and will still resever the right to publish such part of information before relevant investigation is completed. VI. The final right to interpret the statement abovementioned shall be reserved by Zhejiang Zhishang industral Co., Ltd., and all interpretation related to laws shall be based on laws of China.



VII. For any dispute, please submit it to the jurdicial department in the region where we are located for solution.